Adobe InDesign CS2 (4.0) Object Model JS: TextWrapTypes

InDesign CS2

 Options for wrapping text around an object.


TextWrapTypes.BOUNDING_BOX_TEXT_WRAPWraps text around the object's bounding box.1651729523 = 'bsds'
TextWrapTypes.CONTOURWraps text around the object following the specified contour options.1835233134 = 'mcon'
TextWrapTypes.JUMP_OBJECT_TEXT_WRAPForces text to jump above or below the object, so that no text appears on the object's right or left.1650552420 = 'band'
TextWrapTypes.NEXT_COLUMN_TEXT_WRAPForces text to jump to the next available column.1853384306 = 'nxfr'
TextWrapTypes.NONENo text wrap.1852796517 = 'none'
TextWrapTypes.USER_MODIFIEDText wrap has been modified by the user.1970498916 = 'usmd'


As property


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