Adobe InDesign CS2 (4.0) Object Model JS: ReplaceOption

InDesign CS2

 overwrite, or rename


ReplaceOption.OVERWRITEIf a loaded style has the same name as an existing style, the loaded style will replace the existing style, updating all the cells with the replaced style.1701016431 = 'ecso'
ReplaceOption.RENAMERenames a loaded style that has the same name as an existing style.1701016165 = 'ecre'


In function

void Application.importCellStyles (from: File, replaceOption: ReplaceOption)

void Application.importTableStyles (from: File, replaceOption: ReplaceOption)

void Document.importCellStyles (from: File, replaceOption: ReplaceOption)

void Document.importTableStyles (from: File, replaceOption: ReplaceOption)

Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3dContents :: Index