1.2 About The Devs

The Athenaeum

About The Devs

Introduction ››

Cool Spoon Games was created in 2015 from veteran developers in the Turing and Java gaming communities. Here is a little bit about the co-founders, co-creators, co-owners and co-developers, Nick and Wanning:

Nick  was born in 1999 in Ontario, Canada. He represents one half of the CSG creative team and has been coding since age 11, when he discovered Visual Basic. He then began to learn Turing as a precursor to Java, which he began to code in in late 2014. Some of his previous works include Monopoly Jr. and Spacesweeper, both spinoffs of popular board and computer games.

Wanning represents the other half of the CSG creative team and is far better at anything to do with graphics than Nick. She has been coding in Turing and Java as well, enduring the simultaneously awesome and painful ride through Ms Dyke's Grade 11 and 12 Computer Science courses at William Lyon Mackenzie. She has created Who Wants to be a Millionaire and Boggle games in Turing and Java.

(c) 2015 Cool Spoon Games, all rights reserved.