RevertToDefaultWeight Method

Microsoft Publisher Visual Basic

RevertToDefaultWeight Method

Sets the BorderArt on the specified shape back to its default thickness.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a BorderArtFormat object.


The RevertToDefaultWeight method has the same effect as the Always apply at default size control on the BorderArt dialog box.

Use the Weight property of the BorderArtFormat object to set the specified BorderArt to a thickness other than the default.


The following example tests for the existence of BorderArt on each shape for each page of the active document. If BorderArt exists, its weight is set to the default thickness and original color.

    Sub RestoreBorderArtDefaults()

Dim anyPage As Page
Dim anyShape As Shape

For Each anyPage in ActiveDocument.Pages
	For Each anyShape in anyPage.Shapes
		With anyShape.BorderArt
			If .Exists = True Then
			End If
		End With
	Next anyShape
Next anyPage
End Sub