GeonBit.UI.Entities.TextValidators Namespace


GeonBit.UI.Entities.TextValidators Namespace
GeonBit.UI.Entities.TextValidators contains different text validators and processors you can attach to TextInput entities.
Public classOnlySingleSpaces
Make sure input don't contain double spaces or tabs.
Public classSlugValidator
Make sure input contains only letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens (and optionally spaces).
Public classTextValidatorEnglishCharsOnly
Make sure input contains only english characters.
Public classTextValidatorMakeTitle
Make sure input is always title, eg starts with a capital letter followed by lowercase.
Public classTextValidatorNumbersOnly
Make sure input is numeric and optionally validate min / max values.
Public interfaceITextValidator
A class that validates text input to make sure its valid. These classes can be added to any TextInput to limit the type of input the user can enter.