COMPUTE Clause and Multiple Result Sets

ODBC and SQL Server

ODBC and SQL Server

COMPUTE Clause and Multiple Result Sets

The compute sample illustrates handling the multiple result sets that occur when an application executes a Transact-SQL SELECT statement containing a COMPUTE clause.

The sample executes a statement, and then uses SQLMoreResults and SQLColAttribute to determine the shape of each result set generated.

The sample shows how to mix array and single-row binding for rapid and space-efficient handling of the output.

Before compiling the compute sample, open the project and locate these lines in compute.cpp:

PTSTR       szDataSource = _T("MyDatasource");
PTSTR       szUID = _T("MyUID");
PTSTR       szPWD = _T("MyPwd");

Replace the strings:

  • MyDatasource with the name of an ODBC datasource that has the Northwind sample database as its default database.

  • MyUID with a valid login ID.

  • MyPwd with the password for the login specified for szUID.

After compiling and linking the sample, run it by specifying its name at the command prompt:

cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Devtools\Samples\ODBC\Compute\Debug 
Functions Illustrated
SQLAllocHandle SQLDisconnect SQLNumResultCols
SQLBindCol SQLExecDirect SQLSetEnvAttr
SQLColAttribute SQLFetch SQLSetStmtAttr
SQLConnect SQLFreeHandle  
SQLDescribeCol SQLGetDiagRec