6 4 Import Definitions to LANSA Composer

LANSA Composer

6.4 Import Definitions to LANSA Composer

To import definitions, you must:

  • have LANSA Composer installed on the target PC

To import LANSA Composer definitions, perform the following steps:

1.  Expand Deployment in the Navigator and click Import.

2.  Press the Load button to display the Import From window.

3.  Locate and select the file containing the definitions you wish to import and click Open. LANSA Composer reads the exported definitions and then shows the available definitions in the Import window.

4.  Expand the nodes to review the available definitions. Take note of any warning messages that are displayed.

5.  Select definitions you wish to import by clicking the checkbox to the left of the item so that there is a tick in the box. To deselect an item, click the checkbox again so that the tick mark is removed.

     You can use the Select All and Unselect All buttons and the checkboxes next to the nodes to select or unselect multiple items at once.

6.  If necessary , click the Options button to change options affecting the import in the Export and Import Options window.  Click OK to save your changes and close the Export and Import Options window.

7.  When you have completed your selections, press the Import button to import the selected definitions.


When the import is completed, LANSA Composer shows the Import Log which provides a detailed record of the import operation including any warnings or errors that may have been generated.

You can display or print logs for any or all completed import operations at any time by clicking the History tab.

From the History tab, you can also print an Import Manifest that lists all imported items along with their last-changed dates, times and users.  This can be used to compare with last-changed details shown in LANSA Composer for selected items on their Audit tab.

Refer to 6.1 Deployment Considerations for other tasks you may have to complete to successfully deploy a LANSA Composer solution.

For instructions on how to restore shipped objects, please review:

6.4.1 Restore Supplied Definitions