19 2 7 Example Manipulate an RDMLX Working List

LANSA Application Design

19.2.7 Example - Manipulate an RDMLX Working List

The previous example can be changed to manipulate RDMLX lists. 

The X_ALLOW_10_0_STRUCTURES define must be disabled by a set of  #ifdef … #endif at the beginning of the C code, just before #include "x_bif000.h" :





Also the list entries's counter and list entry's index type must to be changed from X_SHORT to X_LIST_COUNT.

Used in an RDMLX function like this it could support the averaging of up to 999999 entries:

  define field(#number) type(*dec) length(7)                 
  def_list name(#list) fields(#number) type(*working)        
  define field(#mean) type(*dec) length(7)                   
  use  ud_average_list with_arg(#list) to_get(#mean)         

An example of the user defined Built-In Function required to implement UD_AVERAGE_LIST might be coded like this:
/ ================================================================= */
/* ================================================================ */
/*                                                                  */
/* Source File               : U_BIF414.C                           */
/* Entry Point Name          : U_BuiltIn_414                       */
/* Linked DLL Name           : U_BIF414.DLL                         */
/* Shared Object Name        : u_bif414.O                           */
/* OS/Dependencies           : Yes/No                               */
/*                                                                  */
/* Amendment History   :                                            */
/*                                                                  */
/* Task Id  Date    Description                                     */
/* =======  ====    ===========                                     */
/*                                                                  */
/* ================================================================ */
#define U_BIF_FUNCTION       U_BuiltIn_414
#define U_BIF_FUNCTION_NAME "U_BuiltIn_414"
#define U_BIF_DESCRIPTION   "This is a description of this built-in"

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>

#include "x_glodef.h"
#include "x_glousr.h"

#include <windows.h>

#include "x_funstr.h"
#include "x_funpro.h"

/* Enable RDMLX list*/

#include "x_bif000.h"
/*                                                                  */
/* Arguments    : pX_Ids       - Standard X_IDS system definition   */
/*                pX_Pro       - Standard X_PRO process definition  */
/*                pX_Fun       - Standard X_FUN function definition */
/*                pX_Bif       - Standard X_BIF built-in definition */
/*                X_Fld[:      - Standard X_FLD field definitions   */
/*                X_List[:     - Standard X_LIST list definitions   */
/*                sInCount     - Number of arguments passed  */
/*                sInVec[:     - Vectors of arguments               */
/*                sRetCount    - Number of return values            */
/*                sRetVec[:    - Vectors of return values           */
/*                                                                  */

   /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Handle a shutdown request (usually no activity is required)   */
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Else perform the requested activity                           */
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */

X_LIST_COUNT lEntrys = 0 ; /* Instead of  X_SHORT  sEntrys  = 0; */
      X_LONG   lAverage = 0;

      /* ------------------------------------- */
      /* Set list pointer and get entry count  */
      /* ------------------------------------- */

       U_BIF_SET_ARG_LIST_POINTER (pListArg1, 0)
       U_BIF_GET_LIST_CURRENT_ENTRYS (pListArg1, lEntrys)

      /* ------------------------------------- */
      /* If there is any entries in the list   */
      /* ------------------------------------- */

       if (lEntrys > 0)
         X_LIST_COUNT lCurrentEntry; /* Instead of X_SHORT  sCurrentEntry; */
         X_CHAR   chFound;
         X_LONG   lValue;
         X_DOUBLE dTotal = 0;

         /* -------------------------------------- */
         /* Process all list entries and calculate */
         /* the average value of all of them       */
         /* -------------------------------------- */

      for (lCurrentEntry = 1; lCurrentEntry <= lEntrys; lCurrentEntry ++)
           U_BIF_GET_ENTRY_FROM_LIST (pListArg1, lCurrentEntry, chFound)
           U_BIF_GET_LIST_COLUMN_AS_LONG (pListArg1, 0, lValue)
           dTotal = dTotal + lValue;
          lAverage = dTotal / lEntrys;
      /* ------------------------------------- */
      /* Return the result in return value 1   */
      /* ------------------------------------- */
        U_BIF_SET_RET_FROM_LONG (0, lAverage);

   /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Return control to caller                                      */
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */