6 4 Run the Generated Application

LANSA Client

6.4 Run the Generated Application

The application definition file, which contains the definitions of your generated applications, will be found in the APPS folder. This is a sub-folder of the LANSA Client folder.

You can run the generated applications:

  • From the Windows Menu.
  • From Explorer by double clicking on the required .MNU file.
  • Typing the file name at a command prompt.

Using the Menu

To start an application, click on the Windows Start button, locate the relevant item in the LANSA Client menu and select it.

Using Explorer

Locate the application file (with extension .MNU) and simply double click on it.

From the Command Prompt

In the Command Prompt window enter:

"<drive>:\Program Files\LANSA Client\LCRUN32.EXE"

"<drive>:\Program Files\LANSA Client\Apps\<queryname>.mnu"

and press <Enter>.

In this example <drive>:\Program Files\LANSA Client represents the drive and directory in which LANSA Client has been installed.

Generated applications are stored in the Apps directory.

Note that when you enter a path with embedded spaces, you must enclose the path with quotes as shown in the example above.

Further Information

Ý 6. Generate Applications