3 9 3 Other Objects in the Design Tab

Visual LANSA

3.9.3 Other Objects in the Design Tab

The Design tab is shown for many types of LANSA objects, for example:


If you are working on a bitmap, the Design tab will show how the bitmap will be displayed on a toolbar or push-button.

If you are using a bitmap that contains separate images for the different button states, the first button view shows the bitmap on a button which is not selected (button state Up), the second view shows it on a disabled button, the third view shows it on a button that has been pressed down and the fourth view shows the image on button which kept pressed down (Checked). The bitmap has an ImageCount property used to indicate how many images are contained in the bitmap.

If you use a bitmap with a single image, all the four views in the Design tab show this image.


When you are working on an icon, the Design tab will show how the icon will be displayed in different contexts. For more information refer to the online Feature help.


When you are working on a cursor, the Design tab will show how the cursor will be displayed. For more information refer to the online Feature help.


When you are working on an ActiveX control, the Design tab will show how the control will be displayed if it has a visualization. For more information refer to the online Feature help.

Visual Styles

When you are working on a visual style, the Design tab will show what the style will look like on various controls. With visual styles you can control visual attributes such as colors, fonts, font sizes and 3D effects.


Also See

3.9.1 Design Tab for Forms and Reusable Parts

3.9.2 Design Tab for Functions

Editing Objects

Ý 3.9 Design Tab