AcMapMbMapSheetTemplate::GetElement Method

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapMbMapSheetTemplate:: GetElement Method

Returns the object id of the object in the specified layout that is marked as an element of the specified type. 

Returns Acad::eOk if successful; Returns Acad::eAmbiguousOutput if there is more than one element of the specified type. Returns Acad::eKeyNotFound if there are no elements of the specified type; otherwise, returns a different error code.

static Acad::ErrorStatus GetElement(
    AcDbObjectId& elementId, 
    const AcDbObjectId& layoutId, 
    ETemplateElementType elementType
Output Object id of entity previously marked  
Input Object id of the layout  
Input Enumerated type identifying the element type  

If there is more than one element of the specified type, the function fails.

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